Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Psychological Factors That Influence Human Behavior
Unit 15 Level 4: Psychology for Health and Social Care. Submission date: 04/11/2015 Psychological Factors That Influence Human Behaviour Throughout The Life course. Introduction; According to Crawford and Walker(2010), the life course is defined in literature as, â€Å"The progression and path an individual takes from conception to death.†(Crawford and walker, 2012, p.3). The study of the life course and human development is extremely complex and could be described as interdisciplinary as it encompasses many fields of study. When examining the life course of individuals it is necessary to consider all of the various factors that affect human behaviour. These may include; psychological, biological, social, behavioural, cognitive or culture factors. Age can also be considered as a factor that influences lifespan development. In the early 19th century, the term â€Å"age related change†was regarded as only applicable to the early childhood stage but in recent years, psychologists have come to accept that age related changes occur throughout the entire life span. According to Boyd and Bee (2014), other earlier theories included Charles Darwin†™s suggestion that, â€Å"the wide variety of life forms that exist on earth evolved gradually as a result of the interplay between environmental factors and genetic process.†(Boyd and Bee, 2014, p.3) Therefore Darwin proposed that it was either solely, â€Å"nature†or â€Å"nurture†that influenced the human development, but instead, a combination of both.Show MoreRelated Effects of Unresolved Issues on Marital Conflict Essay1712 Words  | 7 PagesConflicts which lead to unresolved issues can influence the quality of the marriage. Although several research was made on marital relationships, the factors which influence the arising of continuous conflicts are still not clear. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Strategic Issue ( S ) - 1576 Words
The strategic issue(s) apparent in this case study revolve around three primary factors, firstly, the perspective of the company in dealing with the socialization processes (or lack of) of its employees within an international spectrum (coming from an American background). Secondly, the staunch and seemingly unreasonable demand imposed upon Frank Waterhouse by Bill Loun, to ensure the success of the program at the expense of dealing with Donaldson; whom in his own right could and might have been a good choice if it were not for the multitude of issues that came with his arrival at Argos in Germany. Thirdly, there is a lack of employee-to-employee communication that was seemingly the core of the issues that were arising; revolving around†¦show more content†¦The company is possibly seeing a strong financial profit margin and is seemingly focusing on internal affairs or in this case unification and solidifying core areas that have been deemed worthy of such focus. The company is willing to bring Donaldson from overseas and hand him the reigns under Waterhouse, but the issue here is what Donaldson brought with him and the lack of decisiveness or tolerance on Waterhouse’s part. It is also in part, due to unreasonable expectations set by the company and Loun. Two years is simply not enough for someone to acclimate so quickly to an unknown environment and complete a program that unifies that environment with others similar to it at the same time. Waterhouse is frustrated with Donaldson because although the man has quite the resume, he never took the time to actually supervise Donaldson or review his work, nor did he try to take into account the unfortunate circumstances Donaldson was undergoing at home. What Waterhouse wishes to avoid is the collapse of this program that was to fall under the network that he personally set-up, due to Donaldson’s lack of resourcefulness, drive and difficulty in acclimatization. He is left with a dilemma in which he cannot fire Donaldson because of Loun’s expectations, â€Å"make it work, I brought you the
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Internet of Things and Codes of Ethics-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1."The Internet of Things, as its called, is also lacking a critical ethical framework, argues Francine Berman, a computer-science professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a longtime expert on computer infrastructure." 2.The Australian Computer Society (ACS) Code of Ethics are part of the ACS Constitution. ACS members are expected to uphold and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of being a professional. Critique the Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics using suitable examples. 3.Utilitarians stress the social utility or social usefulness of particular actions and policies by focusing on the consequences that result from those actions and policies. (Tavani, 2014) Critique the concepts of Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism using suitable examples. Answers: 1.It has been said that the Internet of Things, lacking critical ethical framework in the present days, as the Internet of Things is mainly based on the network of global infrastructure that tends to connect physical and the virtual objects in a different ways that is by exploiting data. As per the report, in the month of October, in the United States, a malware named Mirai took in control all the less secured webcams and the DVRs, and all those were used to disrupt the internet access in the United States (Barlott, Adams Cook, 2016). The IoT has been responsible for the disruption and moreover, there is no proper legal framework that would hold any manufacturers to be responsible in case of the failure of certain software. Francine Berman, a distinguished computer science professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an expert on computer infrastructure stated that the Internet of Things has become an interesting issue in the present days and this the main reasons individuals a re running of issues, as technologies in the present days have become more prevalent (Hallman et al., 2017). As per the philosophical ethics perspectives, as people in the present days tried to build things through Internet of Things (IoT), and the use of the social behaviour have become crucial while dealing with this. The IoT, is also been responsible for increasing the cyber-physical and the biological environment that tends to connect devices, people and the system. If used effectively, the Internet of Things can prove to be advantageous by empowering people through technology but at its worse, the Internet of the Things can lead to the unsafe behaviour and intrusiveness. In order to use it in a proper way, there should be implementation of various policies that would be related to Internet Governance, number of technological autonomy, complexity and more. Berman further stated that, during the Industrial Revolution, the technologies that were used were compelling, and the Infor mation Age also had same impact on the present generation (Waddell, 2018). The Internet of Things should be designed in such a way, so that it should be safe and at the same time would provide many opportunities and there will be less chances of hack. It means that there would be safety and security that are attached with the Internet of Things. For instance, the Mirai incident had a severe effect on many devices such as web cams. In the words of Berman, Development of a social and ethical framework that helps us navigate a hybrid biological/technological/physical world will be key to an IoT that advances society.For instance, for providing privacy, the National Institute of Standards and Technology working on cyber-physical systems, that would develop certain standards that would help people in keeping their data secure (Mitchell et al., 2015). In case of using the Internet of Things, the ethical behaviour requires, enforcing of the basic property rights on the information, ensurin g access to the information and enforcing the right to the private life. As security is like the Achilles heel, therefore it is necessary to follow the ethical behaviour that would help to promote the use of IoT in an appropriate way. 2.The code of ethics of the Australian Computer Society is considered as the part of the ACS Constitution and moreover they expect their members to uphold the honour and dignity of being a professional. In the year 2010, ACS updated their code of ethics, so that it could be beneficial for the focused groups and members. The ACS in Australia is collaborated with the Australian Research Council and observed that the ACS members of the ICT Industry have a very poor knowledge regarding issues and ethics related to professionalism (Grover, Pea Cooper, 2015). Therefore, in order to raise the knowledge and the profile of the professionalism, the ACS has decided to update their code of ethics for promoting professional behaviourism. However, it has also been stated that the Australian Council of Professions (ACP), is a major body for the Australian Professional societies that tends to follow the ethical standards of the professionalism. Furthermore, The Australian Computer Society has two i mportant and major roles that includes, the ACS members tend to promote professional behaviour among the members of ICT Industry and secondly, the ethical guidelines will help in promoting professional ethics among the government and the business sectors (Earnshaw, 2014). The Australian Computer Society is mainly comprised of six main ethical guidelines that includes The primary of the Public Interest. The Enhancement of Quality Life. Competence, Professional Development Professionalism As per the ethics of the professional development, the ACS tends to keep informed the ICT members with new technologies and standards that would be relevant to their work. Furthermore, this would help to achieve knowledge and skills of the embers, and would also aware those regarding ethical issues and lastly it would also help them to improve their personal development (Naikar, 2016). The most important ethics for the ASC members is professionalism, as it tends to endeavour in improving the confidence level of the members. As per this code of ethics, the ASC intends to take steps against inappropriate action against those members whose behaviours are contrary to the code. For instance, the ACS code of professional ethics is implemented by the businessmen for better profit and productivity. Being eco-friendly with the public would help organization to deliver better services to the targeted customers and furthermore, business also realized that being professional helps in increasing competitive advantages of the business. As per the professional code of ethics, professional principles would be implemented by the teams and organizations that that would promote safe professional practices (McDermid, 2015). The major aim of the members of the Australian Computer Society (ACS), the members should adhere to the professional society and that would increase the value proposition of the ACS memberships. It has been stated that the ACS has been regarded as the guardian of the professional ethics that ensures and enhance the value of the professional conduct. 3.It has been noted that the utilitarian mainly stress the social utility of any particular action only by focussing on the consequences of those policies. Jeremy Bentham had been considered as the first philosophers that formulated the utilitarian theory and he defended the theory on major grounds that include, for evaluating moral systems, social utility has been considered as a superior alternative criteria and social utility can also be measured with the amount of happiness produced (Kahane et al., 2015). Accordingly, utilitarian have been considered as the best influential theories, that deals with any actions that can be right or wrong, mainly depends on their effects. The act and the rule of the utilitarian mainly believe that the importance of the morality is mainly to make life better by increasing the number of good things and b y decreasing bad things. The utilitarian theory rejects the codes that are based on commands, traditions and orders and the most important theorist s of utilitarian are Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Furthermore, the rule of utilitarian compiles of that an action could only be right if the rules are followed by every individual and thus it makes them happy (Vaughn, 2015). However, in terms of act utilitarianism, rule utilitarism have been preferred more, as rule utilitarianism have more advantages. In case of the individual liberty and rights, no actions are ruled out in act utilitarianism as immoral, whereas, in rule utilitarianism individuals can modify the rules as per their happiness. For instance, in case of act utilitarianism, if torturing a child produces happiness, then its a right thing, but in rule utilitarianism forbidding torturing a child causes more happiness and every individual tend to follow such rules (Tavani, 2018). However, there are major differences between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism, as in case of rule utilitarianism, the rules are mainly determined with the amount of goods, it actua lly brings and the act utilitarianism mainly deals on the basis of the consequences of the act. In case of focussing on the policies and actions of social utility, rule utilitarianism is considered to be more practicable (Campbell, 2016). Furthermore, the concept of utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill focussed more on seeking happiness and the concept of Mill is known as eudaimonistic utilitarianism. Pleasure and happiness are considered as an important concept of the utilitarianism and it stated that pleasure continues for smaller duration but happiness tends to be for longer duration. For instance, once individuals get satisfied with something, they do not find pleasure in them anymore, whereas, happiness focuses on longer goals and plans. Other than the pleasure and happiness as the sole standards, there are other standards of utilitarianism as well in terms of freedom, knowledge and justice (Fisher, 2016). The other standards of utilitarianism include hedoinistic, eudaimonistic, ideal and preference. The theory of the utilitarianism mainly connected with ethics as it mainly focussed on the performance of the two acts in terms of good and bad. References Barlott, T., Adams, K., Cook, A. (2016). Increasing participation in the information society by people with disabilities and their families in lower-income countries using mainstream technologies.Universal Access in the Information Society,15(2), 189-198. Campbell, T. D. (2016).The legal theory of ethical positivism. Routledge. Earnshaw, R. A. (Ed.). (2014).Virtual reality systems. Academic press. Fisher, C. B. (2016).Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Sage Publications. Grover, S., Pea, R., Cooper, S. (2015). Designing for deeper learning in a blended computer science course for middle school students.Computer Science Education,25(2), 199-237. Hallman, R., Bryan, J., Palavicini, G., Divita, J., Romero-Mariona, J. (2017). IoDDoSThe Internet of Distributed Denial of Sevice Attacks-A Case Study of the Mirai Malware and IoTBased Botnets. InProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017)(pp. 47-58). Kahane, G., Everett, J. A., Earp, B. D., Farias, M., Savulescu, J. (2015). Utilitarianjudgments in sacrificial moral dilemmas do not reflect impartial concern for the greater good.Cognition,134, 193-209. McDermid, D. (2015).Ethics in ICT: an Australian perspective. Pearson Higher Education AU. Mitchell, V., Petrovici, D., Schlegelmilch, B. B., Sz?cs, I. (2015). The influence of parents versus peers on Generation Y Internet ethical attitudes.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,14(2), 95-103. Naikar, N. (2016).Work domain analysis: Concepts, guidelines, and cases. CRC Press. Tavani,H.(2018).EthicsandTechnology. Vaughn, L. (2015).Doing ethics: Moral reasoning and contemporary issues. WW Norton Company. Waddell, K. (2018).The Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics.The Atlantic. Retrieved (9 April 2018),
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Permeability of free space Essay Example
Permeability of free space Paper 1. Gather all necessary materials listed above 2. Using the electronic scale, measure the mass of the wooden block and record this, taking into account uncertainties where applicable. 3. Attach the string to the wooden block, and the other end to a mass-hook. 4. Place the sheet of sandpaper underneath the block and tape the sheet firmly in place on the table using sticky-tape (also note the exact position of the block on the sheet as we will try to keep that constant throughout). 5. Screw on the adjustable pulley at one edge of a laboratory table 6. Hang the mass hook off the table, using the mass pulley if this already causes the block to move, then place a small weight on top of the block. You set-up should look the following: 7. Carefully, while having your partner keeping an eye on the stationary block, add small increments of weight onto the hanging mass hook. 8. Once you have gone too far and the block has moved, remove the last weight and place the block back into its starting position. You will now have to add smaller increments of weight to determine more precisely how much force was needed. We will write a custom essay sample on Permeability of free space specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Permeability of free space specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Permeability of free space specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 9. When you are satisfied with the amount of weight, remove it and measure everything that is on the hook (including the mass hook itself) using the electronic scale. Do not rely on the mass readings on the masses themselves, as time and wear has significantly decreased the mass shown. Data Recording 10. Now you will record the two masses in a data table. First of all, record appropriately the mass of the block and any other weights that rest on top of the sander paper. Then record the electronic scale reading for the mass of the hook + weights hanging from the string. Using g = 10ms-1 you can now also figure out and record the weight. 11. Repeat the exact same procedure two more times to obtain 3 trials. Do not polish the sandpaper, nor obtain a new sheet as this can disrupt the experiment. 12. Now add about 100 grams of masses more onto the wooden block and repeat again, obtaining three more trials 13. Repeat step 12 as many times as possible. Data Collection: Note: The uncertainty in the normal reaction force R can be ignored, as when we weighed the block, we would have an uncertainty of 0.01 grams (as a result of the electronic scale displaying values), however when this is converted into Newtons, the uncertainty becomes 0.0001, which is so small, it can be ignored. To find the average force of friction, I added up the 3 trial forces of friction and divided it by the number of trials (3). Sample calculation: When averaging the force of friction, I also had to take care of the uncertainties of each force of friction trial (0.05N) and I did this by estimating the uncertainty from the several repeated measurements. Since we are adding the three values, this means I had to add the 3 uncertainties. This gives the value of (0.05) + (0.05) + (0.05) = 0.15 N To find the coefficient of friction à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, the formula can be used, where is the frictional force, is the coefficient we are looking for, and R is the reaction force. Rearranging the formula, we obtain the formula for finding the coefficient directly; Note that this will give use the static coefficient of friction, which is different from the dynamic coefficient, but is what we were instructed to find in this particular lab. To find our average coefficient of static friction, taking into account all the tests and all the trials, we would have (0.76 + 0.77 + 0.77 + 0.78 + 0.79) / 5 = = 0.77 0.05 On the following page you will find a graph that plots the frictional force Ffr versus the normal reaction force R. There is a clear linear relationship between the two forces, and this line should, ideally, pass through the origin. Uncertainties, and moreover, systematic error, have caused this line shift. For example, the friction of between the puller and the string meant that not all of the weight of the mass was transferred to pull the block, but since this happened every time, the relationship still holds although it is not from the origin. Moreover, as we continued carrying out this experiment, one must keep in mind that the sandpaper was getting more and more worn, which reduces friction for the consequential trials.
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